BAGA - Badgerland AirGun Association

2nd Annual Badgerland Regional

Field Target Championships

September 8, 2001

Bristol, Wisconsin


The second annual Badgerlands saw more than a two-fold increase in attendance. The match was lengthened to 100 shots and fired in two relays on a two-course set-up. Between the two relays, our own Bill Slater and his world famous "Millies Pancake House Restaurant" provided lunch. Lots of goodies were available to raise the heart rates of even the best shooters and full bellies did prove to slow down the start of good scoring in the second round. Such is the “good-life” of an FT shooter.


The forecast for the weekend had called for severe storms, both on Friday's sight-in day as well as for Saturdays match day. Thanks to a supporting Mother Nature, neither storms nor rain were evident until the "rest" day on Sunday. The weather has cooperated all this year and we were thankful, as we had shooters from many far away states. Thanks again to all those that drove or flew from distant points. We hope that your trips were well rewarded at our venue. 


During the pre-match sight-in, the winds did blow considerably and major decisions were being waged …changed you windage setting or go with the standard and hope the trees offered enough protection to keep the POI within the KZ. Our course is set up inside a small forest with lots of huge virgin oaks and evergreens. However, there are open areas and an old creek bed that opens up some channels for the wind to swoop into play. Due to some of these challenges, the sight-in line was quite active and thanks to the new canopies, the falling hickory nuts were kept at bay from falling onto the shooters heads. It was also an opportunity to see some of the new rigs, as it was quite a haven for the new ZM Steyr of all formats, as well as the surprise new Walther LG conversion of Wicha/Matticks.


The 100 shot match was spread out on 25 double-targeted lanes, 12 on the front and 13 on the back course. Scores were posted for the first round during lunch, but as the two courses varied in total count, as well as difficulty level, they did not add much to strategizing for the second half. Targets ranged from 16 yards to one actually set at 58 yards. Kill zones ranged from less than 3/8" to 1-1/2" with majority being in the 3/4" range. We had 3 off-hands and one kneeling positions shot and quite a few up in the trees or on raised posts. Teams were comprised of two shooters and the starting lanes were staggered with an open lane between each shooting team. This allowed for a fast paced match and having open lanes between shooters prevented most backups caused by over-cautious and indecisive shooters. These formats allowed us to concentrate on shooting and be able to shoot the entire match and eat lunch in less than 6 hours. Concentration was required as the course rating was extremely difficult. We hope to be able to offer this same level difficulty for future Badgerland Regionals.



At the completion of the match, only the third place Open Division needed to be determined by a post match "shoot-off". Awards included custom etched Curved Glass Plaques and Crystal Obelisks. After the awards presentation, a free club raffle was held to distribute prizes donated by club members. In addition, AAFTA newsletter applications were distributed to newcomers and several AAFTA pins and patches were sold in support of AAFTA.  Again, congratulations to all winners and a big thanks to all the participants who made the 2nd Annual Badgerlands a great success. See you next year.


Reported by Alex Modic - BAGA



  After you review the results, take a look at the pictures of the match.


Here are the results of the 2nd Annual Badgerland Regional FT Championships


Open - Shooter Score/100 Gun Scope Pellet

1. Allen Zasadny
2. Kurt Duch

3. Vlad Berchanskiy

    Don Carkhuff
    Brad Troyer

    Dennis Taki

    Wade Sutherland

    Stylie Edwards

    Rick Zerby  

    Bob Winer

    Bill Slater

    Scott Hults

    Vince Pacheco

    Alex Modic 

    Werner Wicha 

    Don Fong










 Falcon FN-19

 Ripley AR5S


 CR-94 Daystate


 CR-97 SE Daystate


 Walther LG - DM


BSA 10-50
 BSA 10-50
 BSA 10-50

 Nightforce 36
 B & L 6-24
 BSA 10-50
 BSA 10-50
 Nightforce 36
 Burris 8-32
 B & L 4200 8-32

 Burris 8-32

 B & L 4200 8-32

 Burris 8-32

 BSA 10-50

 Burris 8-32

 Tasco 8-40









* Position determined by shoot-off

Spring - Shooter Score/52 Gun Scope Pellet
1. Bill Greene

2. John Neumann

3. Brandon Carroll

    Dave Matticks

    Ron Weber








 HW R-1

 TX-200 SR

B & L 4200 8-32

 Burris 8-32
 Simmons 6-18

 Burris 8-32

 BSA 10-50